Even though it has been a couple of years since we started the remodeling/addition on our house, I am still trying to get my craft room just right. It is a continuous work in progress, but I like how it is coming along. My main criteria in designing my room was good lighting, and I wanted "stations" to accomodate the variety of crafts that I do. I wanted a large table in the center of the room for scrapbooking. I needed a sewing area and a place designated for my yarn and crochet supplies. I also wanted to have space for a computer so that I could hook up my Gazelle, my die cutting machine. I have a large light in the center of the room and track lights on three of the four walls so that I can work in there at all hours of the day and night.

All of my scrapbooking supplies are stored in the white cubes stacked on the wall to the right as you walk in the door.

Most often reached for tools and tiny embellishments are stored in baskets on shelves under my scrap table.

My sewing area. Love, love, love that sewing machine! It is a Brother SE-400 sewing and embroidery machine. You can even download embroidery patterns from a computer onto it. I still have a lot of learning to do with this machine to be able to use it to its fullest capacity.

All of my thread is visible and easily accessible hanging on the wall above my sewing table. The canvas prints and "The Simple Things" sign were all local flea market finds. All purpose thread is on the right, and embroidery thread is on the left.

Sewing supplies, patterns, and fabric are stored on shelves under the sewing table.

Sewing tools that I reach for most often are kept in this silver tray that a friend bought for me in Mexico.

My sweet husband bought me a dress form for my birthday! I love it!! Here she is naked. ;)

And here she is with an apron that I made. It still needs a little bit of work, but not too shabby for my first sewing project, no? Notice that I keep my large rotary cutting mat hanging on the wall when I'm not using it to prevent it from warping.

Some of my favorite yarns are stored in cubbies for easy access and visibility.

A view of the computer area. This is where my kids can usually be found. ;)

I keep jars of flowers on a decorative shelf above the computer. The canvas prints were another local flea market find.

I hope you enjoyed this little tour of my creative space! It is always changing as I add things here and there and rearrange and reorganize, but that is part of the fun of having my own space!